Friday, July 8, 2022

US Long Term Interest Rate vs Stock Market Cycle - Why This Bull Market Lasts So Long

I have been interested in interest rate cycle for long time and researched the history of long term interest rate cycle. My observation is that long term interest rate cycles is in a more predictable pattern, so it's possible to follow its movement and ride on it.  Since stocks indices, like SP500, DJIA, and Nasdaq,  are perpetual bond so interest rate cycle should be reflected in stock market. By studying long term interest rate cycle, we can better understand stock market movement and cycle.

We can take a look below chart of 10 year treasury rate vs SP500 since 1791 and help understand how long term interest rate cycles and what is the relationship between them. 
First of all, long term interest rate (LTIR) cycled. It's very rough in above chart, but some repeating patterns exist. LTIR cycle is related to long term economic cycle, which is driven by economy growth with technology advance. 
For instance, in 1798-1835, LTIR went through the 1st down cycle wave(1DW). This is the reflection of US economy boom associated with territory expansion, including steam boats and Canal digging. Then followed by an up cycle from 1835 to 1861, which might be related to diminishing economic growth effect from technology advance and territory expansion.
This pattern repeated in 1861-1900 as a down cycle(2DW), then in 1900-1920 as an up cycle(1UW). This cycle was related to Industry Revolution with explosive railroad construction and machine replacing labor across all Industry; the following LTIR up cycle in 1900-1920 was a correction after the rapid growth era with chaotic economic and political situation in the world, which eventual triggered WWI.
US LTIR downturn didn't end until 1946, which was the end of 148 years super long LTIR down cycle and associated with bloodshed of WWII. 
Even quick rising of LTIR from 1946 to 1981 (35 years) could be looked as a bouncing back of long trajectory of LTIR down trend. 
If you think LTIR down wave in 1861-1900 (40 years) was associated a bouncing back wave in 1900-1920(20 years), and down wave in 1798-1835 (37 years) was associated with up wave in 1835-1861 (26 years), so down wave in 1798-1946(148 years) could be associated with a up wave in 1946-1981(35 years)! This conclusion seems more reasonable after LTIR hit historical low in 2012 and kept in a downtrend since then.
The LTIR down wave started in 1981 and continued with multiple sub down-waves with no foreseeable ending. Where is the LTIR standing in the overall long stretch down turn?
If history can provide any guidance to the future, we at least can follow the repeated pattern in history to make some educated guess, which may give us a vintage view on why LTIR behaved like this currently and what LTIR future trend may look like.

LTIR Historical Repeating Pattern

1. Down Trend Pattern

As we mentioned LTIR repeated long downward trend in 1798-1835 (37 years, 1DW) and 1861-1900(40 years, 2DW), then repeated short uptrend in 1835-1861(26 years, 1UW) and 1900-1920(20 years, 2UW). These are the reflection of technology advance in two waves, which pushed economy growth, so the money cost got cheaper, which explained the overall downtrend since 1798 and the shorter time period of LTIR uptrend compared with downtrend. 
Technically speaking, 1st and 2nd DW could be further split into two downward sub-waves with longer timeline in 2nd sub-wave: 1798-1809(11 years) and 1815-1834(19 years) for 1DW and 1861-1875(14 years) and 1876-1900(24 years) for 2DW. So the two down waves followed by one up wave (2D1U) is the repeating pattern. It also can be observed in a larger scale: there were two 2D1U waves in 1798-1920, followed by a rapid down wave in 1920-1946, which included roaring 20's, Great Depression, and WWII, the following one uptrend wave ranged in 1946-1981(35 years), which is considered as bounce back the 1st super-up-wave (1SUW) against the 1st super-down-wave(1798-1946, 1SDW). Again, the pattern of 2D1U.
As we mentioned in the past, LTIR downtrend since 1981 is a starting wave of 2nd super-down-wave (2SDW) with the scale that may match 1SDW (1798-1946, 148 years)!
Of course, we don't know exact the path of 2SDW, but we have the hint from 1SDW. The 1st wave of  2SDW should have longer cycle time than 1st(37 Yrs) or 2nd DW(40 Yrs) as we noticed the extended duration from 37 to 40 years. Fundamentally, it makes sense as we know the technology advance is greater in 2nd DW. So the natural conclusion is the 3rd DW we currently experience should be longer than 40 years. this is because Information Revolution has larger impact than Industry Revolution(2DW). My expectation is 60-65 years for 3DW, followed by a bounce back waves(3UW) for 30 years. This means currently LTIR cycle won't end until 2040-2045, and followed by a LTIR uptrend wave from 2040 to 2070-2075. 
Then if we are lucky and have another technology breakthrough, we may enter 4th DW with a scale that are even longer than the 3rd one if historical pattern is followed. These cycles are uncertain and so beyond our life span that it's almost meaningless for the discussion in this article. So let's figure out if 2040-2045 is a reasonable estimation for 3DW. The rational behind this estimation actually is based on the understanding of uptrend wave(1SUW) in 1946-1981. 

2. Up Trend Pattern 

When we examine the down turn wave pattern, a very reasonable question is if up trend could display similar 2U1D pattern, which is an opposite pattern in up waves.
This is a fundamental question about the nature of the interest rate movement, or even any human driven price movement. Based my observation, many academia's conclusion, and my common sense reasoning, I firmly believe these movement (LTIR and other prices) are fractal or chaotic systems. This means they have self-similarity across different time scale. The self-similarity applies to the shapes, waves, and patterns/rules they follow.  
In order to understand LTIR uptrend structure, we need use Stock Index as reference to count LTIR cycle so LTIR uptrend pattern can be identified. 

Stock Index (SI) Correlation with LTIR

As we mentioned before, SI movement is highly correlated to LTIR, so the SI trend waves can be used to benchmark LTIR waves, vise versa. The following analysis is based on SPX and 10 years Treasury Rate overlaid chart in 1791-2013. 
Just by looking at trend line of SPX vs LTIR, we can easily see SPX leading LTIR for trend turning. this is illustrated in below table:

                                                                                                         Table.1 SPX vs LTIR Trend Turning Year Comparison

Just think about why there's misalignment between SI and LTIR, which is the yield of SI. My opinion is SI price is leading the SI yield, which is more reflecting cost of money in current economy, just like SI is the leading indicator of the economy, 
Does SPX follows 2+1(2U1D or 2D1U) LTIR waves? Based on my observation, the answer is yes. it's very obvious to find 2D1U, like one SI wave(1990-2007) had 3 SI up sub-waves in 1990-1994, 1994-2000, and 2002-2007, which was associated with 2 LTIR down waves(1990-2000) and 1 up wave(2003-2007). The 2D1U LTIR waves also can be found in 1932-1953: SI had 3 up sub-waves along with LTIR 2 down sub-waves(1932-1936, 1941-1946) and 1 up sub-wave(1946-1953).
The 2U1D LTIR pattern is a little tricky to find, like SI had 3 up sub-waves in 1953-1961, and repeated in 1962-1973. The 2 LTIR up sub-waves were very obvious in 1953-1958 and 1962-1968, but the 3rd LTIR down sub-wave was in 1960-1961 and 1969-1973, when LTIR didn't make new high, i.e., in a down trend, and SI made historical new high. so the LTIR up trend displayed 2U1D pattern, which is the opposite pattern to LTIR down trend.  

Always bear in mind that this is a look back view, so when we look forward, we always see the uncertainty in the future. Although we identified many rules that is stationary in the past and could be applied to the cycle of SI and LTIR, we actually don't have the certainty for the future market movement. But the good news is these patterns can help us understand where we are in the market cycle and what's possibly laying ahead. For instance, after understanding the cycle in 1990-2008, which had 3 waves, based on SI and LTIR cycle and their correlation, we know that current market since Mar'2020 are in 3rd sub-wave of 2nd wave, which is characterized by rising inflation and LTIR, which is similar to the market in 1998-2000. But this cycle is going to longer than the prior one. The reason is because 3rd cycle displayed longer cycle time than 2nd wave, like SI super-cycle in 1932-1973 with 2nd wave in 1953-1961(8 years) and 3rd wave in 1962-1973(11 years). It also may be related to the level of LTIR: as LTIR level gets lower, the cycle time is getting longer, like 1st cycle in 1932-1953(21 years) with low LTIR level vs 3rd cycle in 1962-1973(11 years) with much higher LTIR level. 
Although we don't have certainty for the duration of these waves, we at least have the some certainty for the existence of these waves. These trend and waves are so long term that they are hard to be changed by market volatility or human maneuver. So in long enough term, like >30 years, these wave and trend pattern became very stable. Compared with short term trend and wave, these long term patterns are more repeatable, displayed with self-similarity, just like any other fractal or chaotic system in mother nature.   
As we went through this exercise, we use SI and LTIR as reference to benchmark each other, so we can identify what wave or stage of the cycle the SI or LTIR is on.

SI and LTIR Current and Future Trend 

To understand the current, we need know the past. If you read above LTIR cycle analysis, you should know LTIR is in a mega down cycle since 1981, just like the cycle in 1798-1946. Although it looks obvious when you look the above SI vs LTIR chart. Additionally, since LTIR broke through new low in 2012, this confirmed that LTIR long term down trend is true and up trend in 1946-1981 is a bouncing back mega wave. This makes sense as the economic growth brought by Information Revolution is so massive that LTIR, i.e., money cost, will keep low in a very long time. So this down turn should be longer than last one, which was 40 years (1861-1900) long and driven by Industry Revolution.
Because of the 2+1 correlation between SI and LTIR, examining the SI waves in 1932-1974 with LTIR waves will shed lights on how the current SI waves progress since 1974. 
                                                                                                          Table. 2 SPX Up Waves vs LTIR Wave Trend in 1932-1973  
Table. 3 SPX Up Waves vs LTIR Wave Trend in 1974-Present

In order to understand sub-wave cycles, like 1990-2000 and 2011-current, which is on the same sub-wave cycle in 2nd and 3rd wave, respectively, 2nd and 3rd wave need be split into sub-waves, like below table.
                                                                                                Table. 4 SPX Up Waves vs LTIR Wave Trend in 1990-2007 (2nd wave)

                                                                                               Table. 5 SPX Up Waves vs LTIR Wave Trend in 2009-Current (3rd wave)

Above table 4 and 5 are very comparable, and the similar wave structure also displayed within LTIR uptrend in 2nd wave(1953-1961) and 3rd wave(1962-1973) but the LTIR waves were in opposite direction.
This comparison make me believe that current market is very similar to the market in 1998-2000, which had rising inflation and interest rate in a much mild fashion though. Follow the same pattern, I expect LTIR 3rd up-wave since Mar'2020 should have similar duration as 2nd one, which ranged in Jul'2016-Oct'2018 (28 months). This means the uptrend since Mar'2020 should top around Jul'2022 with a couple of months variation. now we just saw LTIR 2 year's new high in June and will see if LTIR tops next month.
Although 1990-2000 and current cycle displayed similar waves, they also have many differences. 
One is the different CPI environment. In 1990-2000, we can find mixed inflation and deflation pattern. for instance, from1990 to 1997, rising SI is associated with declining LTIR and declining SI is associated with rising LTIR, which is disinflation pattern. In 1998, the pattern became rising SI along with rising LTIR and declining SI was associated with declining LTIR, which is deflation pattern. In 1999-2000, the pattern became inflation pattern, which is rising LTIR no matter SI is rising or declining. But it quickly changed to deflation pattern in 2001 after recession hit.
If we check the 2009-2020, we always see the deflation pattern for SI and LTIR association. But since 2020 after Pandemic  Recession, the same inflation pattern showed up, which is the same pattern in 1999-2000.
The other is that current cycle is much longer than 1990-2000 cycle. The 10 years cycle in 1990-2000 is definitely much shorter than the current cycle since 2009 and it's still on going with possible ending in 2024. If that's true, then current cycle is 5 years longer than previous compatible cycle.
Now if we assume the recession in 2024 will be similar as in 2000-2002, then the upcoming recession should end in 2026. The 3rd wave will be similar as 2nd wave in 2011-2024 with shorter duration, which is the pattern happened in 1994-2000(2nd wave) and 2002-2007(3rd wave).
If the pattern repeats, then the next SI cycle (3rd wave) could last 10 years with rising LTIR and inflation, which is the same pattern in 2002-2007. This means next 3rd wave may range from 2026 to 2036.
Once the SI 3rd wave is over, LTIR may plunge to new low and form the last down wave. This down wave could last 4-5 years from 2036. It will wrap up the super down wave cycle in 2041 and give the cycle time of 60 years (1981-2041)!
The above technical analysis seems confirming the aforementioned fundamental analysis: Industry Revolution brought in 40 years LTIR down cycle, and the Information Revolution bring us even longer LTIR down cycle of 60 years. Nobody would deny that Information Revolution started in 1980s has bigger impact than Industry Revolution, so does it impact on LTIR and its duration.       

Monday, September 7, 2020

Is US Bull Market Coming to A End?

I didn't update my blog for two years as I went through a broad and deep discovery of fundamental and technical indicators for US stock market cycle. I felt that I need put these indicators into practice for investment/trading to test in real time and avoid 'look back bias'.

I felt lucky that I called out the top of the market in Sep'2018 before the market dropped ~20% in three months. Now with more gained knowledge about the market, I feel more comfortable to call out the market top. This time, the drop is bigger and will last longer, which is considered as the second leg of current recession and the first leg of bear market.

Fundamental Factor Analysis

Fundamentals factors we use here are CPI YOY% and 10-Year Interest Rate. We compared current cycle trend/pattern with historical ones and concluded why it makes sense for ending of the bull market.

Data source:

Since CPI YOY% peaked in 1980, it's in a down trend, has finished two economic cycles, and now is in the third one. The first one was in 1980-1991 and the second was in 1992-2008, and the third one started in 2009. If we compare 1992-2008 CPI cycle with current one, we notice many similarities, which could be used to predict possible market direction of current stock market cycle. For instance, in previous two down cycles, each cycle contains four sub-cycles with CPI re-bounces (1980-1991 CPI cycle down trend is so strong that the first two re-bounces were broken into 4 smaller ones in 1981-1983, and the 3rd and 4th ones were obvious). The current CPI cycle is in 3rd sub-cycle and we are at the end of it. The 2nd sub-cycle ending in 2015 was featured with bigger drop of CPI from late 2014 to early 2015, which is same as what happening in current 3rd sub-cycle and CPI big drop was caused by pandemic. When it bounced back, it's associated with strong rally in stock market. 

What happened in second half of 2015 was stock market crashed in August, then Nasdaq 100 reached new high in Nov'2015. After market finished its final rally, SP500 dropped 324 points, ~15%, from its top in May'2015, the biggest points drop since recovery started in Mar'2009. 

What will happen when this rally is over? Unless CPI can continue current re-bounce, which is unlikely as the recession continues, we should see CPI reverts back to down trend and break through the low of -0.2% in 2015. If it happens, it will be very bearish for the market, and it will form the second leg of this recession and a bear stock market. This pattern will be the same CPI pattern in 2002 from last cycle.

Given there were 3 crashes in last 2 years (Jan'2018, Oct'2018, and Feb'2020), the upcoming one will be bigger and last at least 6 months into next year. Different market sections may fare through the down turn quiet differently, like technology stocks from Nasdaq will be stronger than traditional industrial stocks from New York Exchange due to the pandemic economy, and Nasdaq 100 and Composite may not hit new low when the bear market ends.   

The reason I applied 2002 CPI pattern here is because I am a believer that stock market is kind  rhyme or echo the past cycle driven by macro economic factors, like CPI cycle here. It's not the simple repeat as different historical situations modify the details of each cycle, which causes variation. for instance, 1992-2008 CPI cycle is disinflation, marked by declining positive CPI YOY%. Current CPI cycle started in 2009 is a true deflation cycle with declining CPI YOY% and also trenched with negative CPI YOY%.    

If we examine 10-Year Treasury Rate (TNX), we can find that it follows the similar down trend pattern as CPI YOY%. It makes sense as long term interest rate is the reflection of inflation along with embedded real interest rate. We can identify stock market cycle from 1990 to 2002 was associated with three TNX down waves (1990-1993, 1995-1998, and 2000-2003). TNX three waves down trend pattern (2010-2012, 2014-2016, and 2019-?) also showed up in current stock market cycle. If we assume TNX current down trend will last as prior one, it should extend to 2021. As the pandemic triggered TNX down trend pushed up stock market to new high, the next leg of TNX down trend would be stock bear market along with the continuing recession.

Technical Factor Analysis

SPX and other indices, like Nasdaq Composite (COMPQ), Nasdaq 100 (NDX) and New York Exchange Composite (NYA), are approaching important cycle timeline. Overall, these market indices have 6-8 months mid-term cycle, and when the cycle reach three, they form a complete long term cycle, which means a bigger correction is needed. If index price cycle matches the timeline of fundamental factors cycle, like CPI, it could mean the end of the market trend. 

The below two years SPX chart shows that it had two cycles by Feb'2020, 7 and 6.5 months, respectively. this means current third cycle would last 6 months, and end on 9/23/2020. We should be very careful around this date and check out if the peak could be confirmed by other technical indicators. 

One last technical and psychological indicator is AAII sentiment, and we noticed that the Neutral dropped to a new low since 2011 in March due to pandemic and Bearish is hovering around 40-50%, the highest since 2014. If the Neutral can't improve and break up through previous cycle high of 46.31 in Apr'2019, the bull market since 2009 will be ended. I mentioned in my last post about how bull markets in the past peaked with the Neutral signal, and now this signal is strong and clear.


Data source: 

An extension of this discussion is how next economic cycle looks like after this recession ends. I think it will be a major inflation cycle with CPI YOY% and TNX on an uptrend, like what happened from 2003 to 2008. But we need to preserve our capital and wait for the bear market storm to pass...




Monday, September 3, 2018

Is US Stock Market Reaching A Tipping Point?

Since US Election in Nov'2016, US and other stock markets across the world experienced a high fly. Part of the rally may resulted from economic cycle itself, which means no matter who was elected, the rally is inevitable, and the Election is just a trigger; another part may come from new policies, like tax cut, and it added some craziness to the rally, which is hard to evaluate the long term effect to the market or economy so far.
Anyhow, the craziness eventually caused a significant correction in Jan'2018. Now after 7 months of wobbling, it regained the uptrend and made new high recently.
Seems like the rally keeps going forever after 9 and half years. Is the rally going to continue? if it is, how long and how high could it go?
As I don't have a "crystal ball" to see the future, so I really don't have answer. But we do see signs of "Rally Fatigue" from some long term signals that only show up when US stock market formed the top. These long term signal may not give us the exact timing of tipping point,  but when they persistently diverged with stock market trend, they usually pointed out market direction change in near future. Combined with technical indicators, the market peak could be pinned down.
What Do Long Term Indicators Tell Us
There are a lot of fundamental or long term indicators that give leading signals about economy or stock market. But many times, they generated more false signals than real ones. This doesn't bother anyone who throw out their predictions and I am one of them.
I usually look at 3 long term indicators for long term US stock market cycle: CFNAI, ECRI Weekly Leading Indicator(EWLI), and AAII Sentiment (AS). they are leading indicators to US stock market, specifically, S&P500 index, and usually showed certain pattern of divergence, i.e., S&P500 went new high but these indicators didn't.

1. CFNAI: this index usually would "jump" to reached new high(Aug'1998, Dec'2006, and Oct'2017) in the cycle and then formed a divergence with S&P500 as stock market finished the final "Peak Rally". The divergence has been consistent since 1967 when the index started, although the diverge patterns were different over the time and it may give false signals. This is why we need more other factors to confirm.
One more point to CFNAI "jump" before S&P500 final rally, for this cycle, CFNAI's "jump' to new high in Oct'2017 was mostly caused by Tax Cut as it's right around the time when Republican circulated the idea. It's kind like a final push to the top for economy before it jumps off the cliff.
Data source:

2. EWLI: Growth rate is an interesting indicator. Since 1990, when it moved to below 0 while S&P500 are still rising with new high(yellow highlighted below), it indicated stock market is running above its capacity, so market peak and ensuing recession is coming.
Highlighted areas are EWLI growth diverged with S&P500 in1990, 2000, and 2007
EWLI Growth(EWLIG) tanked into negative last week. From Apr'2010 and Oct'2014 pattern, we know when EWLIG dove into negative, a US stock market major correct would follow. If S&P500 led, the correction could be big, like Aug'2015-Feb'2016 major correction.
Data source:

 3. AAII Neutral Sentiment(ANS): many people look at the bull/bear sentiment, but I like ANS as there's unique information not captured by Bull/Bear sentiment.
ANS is better to be looked as uncertainty index. In a bull market, Neutral sentiment tends to rise as market goes higher because people feel uncertain when market price goes higher. So when people don't feel much about uncertainty anymore, or people started to feel market direction is more certain, it means the market direction may change. This is exactly what happened when US stock market approached the peak.
The below charts clearly show since 1990, ANS first went lower before S&P500 formed peak. The divergence between S&P500 and ANS could be lasting for long time, so it's hard to use it to pin down exact peak time.

1990 Peak

2000 Peak 

2007 Peak

data source:

So above 3 long term indicators point out that US stock market is approaching to a major correction or economic recession. The exact S&P500 peak time and height is beyond the perspective of long term indicators, and we will try to use technical analysis on S&P500 price itself to pin down it as we get the big picture.

Technically, When and How High Would S&P500 Peak
Again, timing the market is a daunting task, but constantly many people want to give a try. There are a lot of technical indicators that generate such signals. Many times these are false signals unless fundamental conditions synchronized with them. 
For timing, I don't have specific prediction, but with above long term indicator pointing out the direction, we may think the upcoming November mid-term election could serve as a trigger for the turning point.
For the height that S&P500 may reach, we can throw out a rough prediction, it's between 2950-3000 and below chart lays out the rationale: from Nov'2016 low 2084 to Jan'2018 high 2873, the correction(2873-2533=340) is slightly over Golden Ratio 38.2% of the rally height (2873-2084=789) as it also need support from 200 day moving average as well. So the next high is to use 50% as split point on correction low 2533 to the new high. 50% is a common ratio for stock market peak, like in 2000, 2007, and 2011.
So I think it will be a repeat of 50% extension pattern for the cycle since Nov'2016. Take the low 2084 in Nov'2016 correction and low 2533 in Feb'2018 correction, the potential peak is 2533+(2533-2084)=2982. Since this is so close to 3000, I guess the market may touch 3000 as a Fake-Break-Through to trap a lot of bulls and finish a spectacular Finale for the long run bull market.
Data source:

As I stated at the beginning, we see many long term signals that only showed up once every 5-10 years, which is corresponding to the economic cycle, also when multiple signals show up in a synchronized fashion, it add the weight to its significance. So we should take them into account seriously and think about how to allocate investment in near future and preserve our precious asset.
Thanks everyone reading my blog and good luck on your investment!
9/5/2020 Update: it's interesting that I wrote this article two years ago and I called a major correction for US market. 
30 days after, a ~20% correction occurred. At that time, I was very naive on market cycle and had fixation on Golden Ratio. Although it's an important technical indicator, but it's really needed to combined with other factors to show a significant power. And the call for SPX 2950 is a little over the actual top 2940, but it's not far off. today, I definitely could do better with more learning from the last two years...   

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Interesting Sentiment Readings About US Bull Market - Web Links

As I read through some materials cross websites and it confirms my view about current market status, the US bull market still has long way to go:

Unusually High Neutral Sentiment Often Followed by Good Returns -AAII
Birinyi Says Six-Year Bull Won’t End Until Skeptics Muzzled  
My take away is Skeptics=Neutral Sentiment
Confirmation bias? It could be...

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Riding Chinese Bull Market with Golden Ratio (Continued)

As we mentioned last time, we threw out 12K as our optimistic estimation of  SSEC peak. The estimation is based on SSEC historical path and golden ratios it has followed. For instance, 261.8% expansion is the most important Golden Ratio for SSEC bull market. This ratio has showed up in 1992, 1996, and 2005 bull market (Figure. 1 - 3).

                  Figure.1 Bull market in 1992-1993 with Golden Expansion Ratio 261.8%

              Figure.2 Bull market in 1996-1997 with Golden Expansion Ratio 261.8%

                    Figure.3 Bull market in 2005-2007 with Golden Expansion Ratio 261.8%
Of course the path of current bull market is unfolding and based on latest reading, the final peak of the market is standing at about 6,000.

                   Figure.4 Current bull market with Golden Expansion Ratio 261.8% to 6000
This is not to say 12K is not reachable: if the market can breakthrough 6K with high volume, it will set the path for 12K.

Since March 2015 market breakthrough, this wave point out a short term peak at 5K in next 1-2 months. Depending how the volume looks like, i.e, historical high volume is needed to breakthrough, we expect a major correct there.

Also, global market is headed to a major correction in next 1-2 months (we will talk about this in details in near future before the correction), so Chinese market may not immune from the "global pandemic".

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Riding Chinese Bull Market with Golden Ratio

Chinese stock market right now is so hot that it's everybody's guess where's the possible height it will reach. I would like to join this "exuberance" and try to rationally guess where Shanghai Stock Exchange Composite(SSEC) will end up.
My guesstimation to the peak of SSEC is about 12,000 in 2017.
I will get more details later...